Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Friday!

Another day. Where's my courage? 

I'm actually excited to work today. I need something to distract my mind. After last night's fiasco, I texted my dietician, Viv, and told her what's been going on. We're going to have coffee together on Saturday morning, so I'm looking forward to seeing her. I feel more at peace, like this whole thing isn't completely out of control and it'll be okay.

With coffee in hand, I'm going to face today ready to say no to Ed, and be me- the real me who loves life and has a sparkle in her eyes.


  1. Go you!! :) This has given me the courage to face the rest of my day (we are nearing the end in the Uk) Get that coffee & get your middle finger up to ED, you can do this! xx

  2. You go girl! Just keep thinking positively, because attitude really can make a difference! Here's a quote I love by Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right." Just so you know, I think you can!

  3. Well done for getting in touch with her :)
    I hope it goes well and you can build more of a routine and structure? Or just have a chat that helps you focus on what you really want, like you said. x

  4. Yay! Be positive :) think happy thoughts. I know you will get through this :)
